Exercise : 1

Using RDODDA : # of Sources option



In this exercise RDODDA will be used to extract to the output file "Sky.dat" the Day number, time, average sounding frequency , group range, amplitude, and number of sources for individual subcases, or over a group of subcases.


Computer generated responses are given in Red, the required typed inputs are given in black, Comments are preceded by // and are in green. The <function> qualifier specifies keyboard function keys, e.g.




Refers to the enter or return key

Refers to the escape key

Refers to the F1 key … etc…..


Remember before starting the program, delete any Sky.dat file that exists, or rename it for archiving the data set. Otherwise RDODDA will not allow you to overwrite this file and report an error if this file exists.

In the DOS (VM) window, or from the command line enter the following;


C:\ \DDA>

rdodda <Enter> // Start program

Enter path and file name.

drift0.sky <Enter> // enter filename containing skymap data

Specify Skymap=1, DDA.Vel=2, Q.C.=3 or

GDDA.Vel=4 ??

1 <Enter>

# of sources = 1, edit skymap file = 0, ??

1 <Enter>


1 <Enter>

Stop - Program terminated.


Result :

The file Sky.dat will be generated with the following format.



10 20.10 3.71 90.00 55.50 25

10 20.10 3.71 95.00 48.00 23

10 20.10 3.71 100.00 49.50 21

10 20.10 3.71 105.00 49.50 31

10 20.10 3.71 110.00 63.00 36





Refers to Day number



Refers to the mean of the sounding frequencies (in MHZ) contained in # of sub-case groupings. For one sub-case grouping this value will be the actual frequency sounded on in one Frequency/Range/Polarization measurement.



Refers to the mean of the group ranges (in km) contained in # of sub-case groupings. For one sub-case grouping this value will be the actual range sampled in one Frequency/Range/Polarization measurement.



Refers to the mean of the maximum amplitude (in dB) contained in # of sub-case groupings. For one sub-case grouping this value will be the average amplitude over the # of antennas used in one Frequency/Range/Polarization measurement.



Refers to the total number or sources contained in # of sub-case groupings. For one sub-case grouping this value will be the # of sources detected used in one Frequency/Range/Polarization measurement.

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