Echoes from Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) on IMAGE Satellite – 23 Apr 2000
On 12 Apr prior to deployment of the 250m
X and Y antenna wires, RPI was operated in Active Sounding, Relaxation
Sounding, and Thermal Noise modes to obtain a system noise baseline measurement.
1 – Measurement Program 61 (Active Sounding) with antenna wires stowed.
2 – With antennas halfway out (125m) RPI transmits and receives the first
plasmasphere radio echoes.
2 shows echoes rising out of a plasma resonance at 143kHz.Since
the echoes are coming from the earthward direction, increasing range from
the satellite means “lower altitude”.Stripes
at the bottom are leakage of the transmitted pulse into the rcvrs, which
is being sampled for timing purposes during IOC.The
echo itself has an upper and lower “ghost” that
Figure 3 – The echoes increase
in range as IMAGE rises away from the plasmasphere.
4 – IMAGE location during measurements
will also be removed in the future.About
7/8th of the way up the frequency scale, the lower “ghost” rises
out of the transmitter pulse, so the “true” range to the plasmasphere echo
is the middle of these three traces.143kHz
is consistent with expected plasma resonances at the current position of
IMAGE as shown in Fig 4, the center of the small green ball, where the
plasmaspause and magnetopause shown (the light grey lines) are the intersection
of each with the orbit plane.In
Fig 3 as IMAGE rises away from the plasmasphere, the “triple” echoes increase
in range.Also the local resonance
has dropped to 70kHz due to lower plasma density.The
very strong echoes at 600kHz are at the natural resonance frequency of
the dipole antenna currently deployed which is 250m tip-to-tip.This
indicates the signal strength we should have at all frequencies after antenna
deployment is complete.Figure 4
shows the satellite location at 23:50 UT, the light grey lines indicate
the predicted plasmapause and magnetopause locations as derived from a
magnetosphere model developed at Goddard Space Flight Center.
RPI Team:
Univiversity of Massachusetts Lowell: PI: Bodo
Reinisch, Mark Haines, Gary Sales, Ivan Galkin, George Cheney, Kevin Roche,
Grigori Khmyrov, Klaus Bibl, Stephen Stelmash, Steven Myers, Jason Grochmal,
Xequing Huang.
Goddard Space Flight Center:
James Green, William Taylor, Robert Benson, Shing
Fung, Scott Boardsen
Rice University:Patricia
Stanford University:Donald
Marshall Space Flight Center: Dennis Gallagher
Paris Observatory Meudon: Jean-Louis Bougeret,
Robert Manning