August 12, 2021 Contact: Ivan Galkin, SAO EXPLORER TEMPORARY INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS LGDC team is unable to stay current with InstallAnywhere software releases. Our apologies for inconvenience of MANUAL installation of SAO Explorer that we have to offer at this time. Manual Installation Procedure: 1. Download zip file from here: 2. Unzip it in one of your local folders with the user access... (that is, not your Applications or Program Files folder). And then... Windows users: click win.bat file in File Explorer. Linux and Mac users: more work is needed. There is and starter files. Please raise the flags that allow these scripts to execute (and also NHPC binary files): 2.1. Use the Terminal window to change directory to that new SAOExplorer_3.6 folder. 2.2. LINUX: Make shell file and binary nhpc executable: chmod 744 chmod 744 nhpc MACINTOSH: Make shell file and binary executable: chmod 744 chmod 744 2.3. To start SAO Explorer, open Terminal window, navigate to SAOExplorer_3.6 folder and run the starter script: Linux: cd ~/SAOExplorer_3.6 ./ Mac: cd ~/SAOExplorer_3.6 ./ 3. Point your SAO Explorer to the new database in Lowell (this is done once): Go to "Database Connection" menu under File. Find an empty slot in the table. Then put: Alias: New Lowell (or something to your liking) Database URL: jdbc:firebirdsql:// Username: your username Password: your password then CLICK on Save in list. then CLICK on Connect. NOTE: SAO Explorer 3.6.xx will use previous INI file in your user folder with your custom settings. If there is no SAOExplorer.ini file in your user folder, it will create a new INI file. This may mean that new INI file will not have your previous settings (e.g., window sizes and selections of colors).