GeopackData V3.0 ; Format versions 2.0 and 3.0 are the same, 3.0 is recommended to put ; here because of early version software hack ; ; File structure ; 1) This the text file. ; 2) If line starts with semicolon(;) or sharp(#) symbols or line consist ; of only spaces then it considered as comment line otherwice it ; considered as data line (exclusion 1st line) ; 3) First line should start with "GeopackData " ; 4) All subsequent lines are either comment or data lines ; 5) data lines contains for items divided by commas: ; , , , ; where can be presented using one of the following forms: ; yyyy ; yyyy/MM ; yyyy/MM/dd ; yyyy/MM/dd (DDD) ; yyyy/MM/dd (DDD) HH ; yyyy/MM/dd HH ; yyyy/MM/dd (DDD) HH:mm ; yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm ; yyyy/MM/dd (DDD) HH:mm:ss ; yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss ; ; instead slash (/) symbol you can use also dot (.) or dash(-) symbols. ; ; and , and are geodipole moment coefficient that ; correspond given datetime (for last data line it have a little ; different meaning, see later) ; 6) All data line should be given in ascending time order. ; 7) Last data line has slightly different meaning: ; is the time from which it is not recommended to use ; GeoPack. ; , and are linear extrapolation delta per year for ; G10, G11 and H11 beginning from previous data line Date/Time ; G10 G11 H11 1945.01.01, 30594.00, -2285.00, 5810.00 1950.01.01, 30554.00, -2250.00, 5815.00 1955.01.01, 30500.00, -2215.00, 5820.00 1960.01.01, 30421.00, -2169.00, 5791.00 1965.01.01, 30334.00, -2119.00, 5776.00 1970.01.01, 30220.00, -2068.00, 5737.00 1975.01.01, 30100.00, -2013.00, 5675.00 1980.01.01, 29992.00, -1956.00, 5604.00 1985.01.01, 29873.00, -1905.00, 5500.00 1990.01.01, 29775.00, -1848.00, 5406.00 1995.01.01, 29692.00, -1784.00, 5306.00 2000.01.01, 29619.40, -1728.20, 5186.10 2005.01.01, 29554.63, -1669.05, 5077.99 2010.01.01, 29496.50, -1585.90, 4945.10 2015.01.01, 29442.00, -1501.00, 4797.10 2020.01.01, 29404.80, -1450.90, 4652.50 2026.01.01, -5.70, 7.40, -25.90