HG2 Radio-frequency sounders in space, new and old

The spaceborne sounder is the equivalent of the high-frequency ionosonde that has been widely used on the ground for ionospheric research. The original topside sounders were highly successful in probing the electron density structure of near space. Such use of sounders has continued into the 1990s, augmented by other objectives in space radio science. Papers are solicited on new sounders, either recently flown or under preparation, and on recent investigations of space plasmas based on older sounder data.

Lead Convener:  H. Gordon James, Communications Research Centre, 3701 Carling
Avenue, P.O. Box 11490, Station "H", Ottawa, ON, Canada K2H 8S2; Tel: 613
998 2230, Fax: 613 998 4077, james@cancrc.dgrc.crc.ca

R. F. Benson and B. W. Reinisch (both U.S.A.)

The abstract deadline is 15 January 1999.

Please send your abstract to the URSI General Assembly management office (by this date) at: URSI GA '99 Management Office, National Research Council Canada, Montreal Road, Building M-19, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0R6.

Please also send a copy of your abstract to the lead convener and indicate on it whether you have a strong preference for an oral or poster presentation? This information will help us decide how to assign the limited number of 20-min slots in our half-day oral session.  (Note: this optional copy is in addition to the abstract required to be sent to the URSI GA management office.)

For information about the GA, including the abstract form, please consult the GA website: http://www.nrc.ca/confserv/ursi99/welcome.html.

Commission G Sessions