Qian Wu/University Corporation for
Atmospheric Research
Investigating Penetrating Electric
Field Effect on the Vertical Ion
The scientific question for this
proposal: what is the penetrating
electric field effect on the equatorial
vertical ion drift? During substorms,
the high-latitude penetrating electric
field moves equatorward, affecting the
mid- and low-latitude ionosphere. It is
well known that the penetrating electric
field can change the equatorial vertical
ion drift [Basu et al., 2007]. The goal
is to understand how the penetrating
electric field is linked with the
equatorial vertical ion drift. We also
would like to know sources of
longitudinal variations in the vertical
ion drift, which could include
non-migrating tides and planetary waves.
We plan to use the LTR (LFM-TIEGCM-RCM)
model to investigate the penetrating
electric field effect on the vertical
ion drift. Wang et al. [2008] showed
that only a directly coupled
magnetosphere and ionosphere model was
able to simulate the penetrating
electric field effect on the vertical
ion drift. LTR is the latest directly
coupled magnetosphere and ionosphere
model. We will also use more realistic
lower boundary conditions in the LTR to
simulate the effect of the tides on the
vertical ion drift in the low latitudes.
Non-migrating tides introduce
longitudinal variations in the vertical
ion drifts, which can affect the
occurrence of plasma bubbles. We plan to
conduct a vigorous validation effort. We
will use vertical ion drift and electron
density observations from C/NOFS
(Communications/Navigation Outage
Forecasting System) and DMSP (Defense
Meteorological Satellite Program) to
validate the simulations. Differences
between the model and observations will
be compared with observation errors. In
addition, we will use the GOCE (Gravity
field and Ocean Circulation Explorer)
thermospheric wind data to track
traveling atmospheric disturbances from
high to low latitudes.
We will provide LTR simulations to the
team. We can also provide C/NOFS
observation analysis, ground-based ion
drift and thermospheric wind
observations, and satellite observations
from DMSP and GOCE Our team has long
experience with NCAR models and is also
very familiar with C/NOFS and DMSP with
many publications. Our team can provide
robust validation not only for our
simulations but also for other team